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A Yoga Journey!

Enjoy This Journey With Me! It Will Be An Amazing Ride!

As a new yoga teacher, it is hard sometimes to think you are good enough to teach. Always remember that if you have a passion for Yoga. I am also a new Yoga Teacher.... well not even a fully fledged 200 hour teacher but I do have that passion for the practice and I have felt the power that Yoga has to heal so many things in both the body and mind. Because of this, I am ready to share this passion with my little group of students and later with the world!

I began my YogaFit journey almost 1 year ago! I'm big and muscular and more like a bodybuilder than a yoga teacher, so even at this point I'm wondering if I am suited for being a Yoga teacher just kidding (well maybe a little). But now I am ready.

I have been taking a crazy amount of time sequencing a full 8 hours of classes which are focused on challenging yourself to begin practicing or to simply bring you back to the practice if for whatever reason you have taken a "break". I've been practicing on my family, friends and YUP even with my Chihuahuas who I might says probably think I'm crazy.

Over the next few weeks, I will be doing classes in my home studio, inside Custom Bodies Fitness and Massage. These classes will include family, friends and YES even my chihuahuas.

I will be video taping these sessions and will have the classes done and hopefully on YouTube and on this website by OCTOBER 5, 2018.

I will keep you updated on what will be the beginning of my Journey as a Yoga teacher. I'm nervous and excited but know that becoming a yoga teacher requires self-discovery.....Always remembering that it is a complete myth that it requires tons of knowledge and techniques to become an inspiring yoga teacher. I know I have it in me to be an impactful yoga teacher.

My Yoga Challenge classes will 60 minutes and are scheduled for the following:

September 9 - Noon - CLASS IS FULL

September 12 - 6:30 pm - CLASS IS FULL

September 16 - Noon - CLASS IS FULL

September 19 - 6:30 pm - CLASS IS FULL

September 23 - Noon - CLASS IS FULL

September 26 - 6:30 pm - CLASS IS FULL

September 30 - Noon - CLASS IS FULL

October 03 - 6:30 pm - CLASS IS FULL

Please note that due to the size of my studio, I am only booking 5 people.

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